EMR System
OKAPED is Canada’s first Pedorthic facility to use an online EMR system streamlining patients care with an almost paperless office. We have now used CBAS for over 18 years and have other Pedorthic clinics in Canada utilizing this exceptional tool. We utilize our EMR in both the clinic, administrative offices and also as a lab work order processing form.
We know your offices are busy, that is why our Association and College are working with Private insurance parties to help reduce the requirement for a new prescription when renewal of orthotic appliances are required due to growth or excessive wear. This will help reduce the need for these types of appointments at referring physicians offices. If new complications arise or significant changes in occur, or if disease processes causing change are suspected we will always refer your patients back for you to see.
Learn more about the Pedorthic Association of Canada
Learn more about the College of Pedorthics of Canada
Read about our Clinical Pedorthists
PDF Rx Form
Working Together:
Healthcare Providers and Pedorthists
As part of the Canadian healthcare team, Pedorthists consult with patients based on referrals from physicians, nurse practitioners, Surgeons and other healthcare professionals.
A Canadian Certified Pedorthist – C. Ped (C) – is one of the very few healthcare professionals who are educated and tested in how to assess, modify, design and fit both custom-made orthotics and footwear. https://www.pedorthic.ca/
Including a Canadian Certified Pedorthists in a patient’s healthcare team, adds specialist expertise in mechanical foot pain such as gait problems and pressure points.OKAPED’s Pedorthists spend up to one hour in their initial patient assessment to look at the whole ‘mechanical foot’ picture and we review their gait and any noted biomechanical abnormalities using HD slow motion video analysis review. Treatment is conducted in collaboration with the patient’s referring physician or specialist.

Rx Pads
If you would like our Paper Pads, we are happy to drop them off or mail them to you. Please make a request to our office manager Liz McMaster at [email protected] or call Liz at our head office at 250-868-8665.