
Category: Foot Orthotics & Arch Supports

OKAPED’s Canadian Certified Pedorthists help address foot alignment and gait abnormalities. We use of both custom foot orthotics and over the counter arch supports. Your clinician will recommend the most appropriate device based upon your condition, the amount of deformity or alignment correction required. The severity and duration of the issue being addressed is also an important factor.

Contact OKAPED to book at appointment at the office closest to you.

Insurance Coverage

When checking your Insurance ensure you ask specifically about the eligible Provider. OKAPED’s Canadian Certified Pedorthists are recognized Providers of custom foot orthotics in Canada.

We direct bill to ICBC, Worsafe BC, RCMP, FNFA Min of Social Development and Veterans Affairs Canada. Pre-authorization is required.

Unfortunately no Private Insurance companies currently allow for direct billing for Custom Foot Orthotics. This has nothing to do with OKAPED it is the policy writers.

Learn more about Foot Patholgies

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