
Category: Footwear Modifications

Custom footwear modifications is a specialty service performed by our Pedorthists and our Pedorthic Technicians. We are trained in orthopaedic modifications of footwear to improve function, accommodate deformities, improve foot and leg biomechanics and alignment; as well as simply making your footwear fit your unique foot shape. From internal to external lifts, custom stretching, wedging, widening a shoe to altering the pitch and angle of your footwear, Okaped does it all.

  • Lifts: to accommodate leg length differences and angular deformities of the feet.
  • Stretching: to improve the fit of a shoe over various regions.
  • Rocker soles: to relieve pain in the ball of the foot, aggressively offloading certain areas of the foot or to improve walking by reducing heel impact or push off loads.
  • Ballon patches: to increase the room in the shoe not accommodated by shoe stretching.
  • Sole splits: to make the sole of the shoe wider so that it more closely matches the actual foot width
  • Excavations: to reduce the pressure on sensitive areas within the shoe.
  • Reinforcements: to strengthen an area and reduce premature wear.
  • Flares and buttresses: to directionally strengthen the shoe and stop the foot from distorting the shoe on the sides.

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